Oh, The Places You´ll Go, When You Go Medium

You might worry about using a medium format camera for street photography. It´s bigger. It´s out there. You are Out There. Do you dare being visible? I´m laughing as I write this because, what better way to try out medium format street photography than photographing the most visible, the most in your face conventioneers who, once a year, head to the Congress Hotel for the annual Mr. Leather Convention.

Seriously. These (mostly) male, mostly stripped and striped with leather bands, corsets, masks, chaps, hats, body hair, and smiles seem to be old friends.  A club that, with or without a big camera, you clearly didn´t adhere to the dress code for.

So, you’re thinking, I´ve got this huge camera around my neck. What can I do? You have to love and accept your subjects and you have to love and accept your street photography. And even though your camera is far from invisible, it’s OK.

I loved my leather subjects. I´m a small woman with silver hair and a huge camera, and I don´t own a single bridle, leather thong, or mask. What I do is smile. I make eye contact, and I respectfully ask their permission. I´m a party crasher who really likes the people at the party. I don´t try to be invisible with this group, because, no one in this group went there to be invisible. I´m gracious, I´m respectful, and these gentleman are almost unfailingly kind and agree to my request to take their photo.

Sometimes there are places you´ll go where you want to blend in and just shoot from the hip. But there are also places you´ll go where Nobody blends in. That´s the perfect place for a medium format street photographer, because you can just point that camera at your subjects and smile, because you love street photography, and love being in front of people who love being in front of people. Worry less, use your medium format camera more. Love what you do. You´ll love what you get.

Walking With Vivian

What is street photography? Depends on who you ask! It’s a metaphor, it’s a memory, it’s a frozen moment, it’s a document

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Dog Days of Summer 

Dogs, dogs, dogs. You meet many interesting people during photo walks and dogs are some of the most interesting “people” that you

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A Multi-Cultural Medium

Chicago is a tapestry of cultures and every summer they celebrate in the street. Every weekend, festivals honor neighborhoods, foods, authentic dress,

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